French | English |
Manger | To eat |
Marcher (jusqu’à) | To walk (to) (until) |
Montrer | To show |
Nager | To swim |
Nettoyer | To clean |
Oublier | To forget |
Parler (à) (de) | To speak/to talk (to) (about) |
Payer | To pay for |
Penser (à) | To think (about) |
Pleurer | To cry |
Poser | To place/to put/to ask |
Présenter | To introduce/to present |
Porter | To carry/to wear |
Pousser | To push |
Quitter | To quit (to leave) |
Raconter | To tell (stories) |
Rappeler | To call back |
Regarder | To watch/to look |
Rentrer | To get in/to go home |
Rester | To stay |
Rêver (de) | To dream (of) |
Rigoler (de) | To laugh (about) |
Souhaiter | To wish for |
Tomber | To fall |
Toucher | To touch |
Travailler | To work |
Tourner | To turn |
Trouver | To find |
Utiliser | To use |
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